One of the
wetlands that must be conserved is the Malampaya Sound of northern part of Palawan.
It said that Malampaya sound is home of the Irrawaddy Dolphins which is
critically endangered subpopulation. The main livelihood near in Malampaya Sound
is small-scaled fishing. And to conserve this place, the local communities must
limit their fishing in there to for the sake of these endangered dolphins.
But some
fishermen are unstable and not behaving properly, they still fishing in the
area. To the local government need to banned the fishing in Malampaya Sound and
migrate the communities near the area to some part of Palawan. As of today, the
law of banning the fishing in the area is still continues.
Towards the
cooperation of the people, they are continuously maintaining and sustainably
enhancing the Malampaya Sound, making them to be aware and create a
well-maintained place and purely beautiful natural resources.
Malampaya Sound is now developed, it becomes tourist spot and one of the
wonderful places of the world. Let’s continue to save the world and conserve
what God has given to us.
Let's go there and have fun, and at the same time let us enlighten and encourage other people to preserve our nature..